speed, 2020
motorized zoom detachment
of the eye
transmission of light and
immaterial static gnawing
at my nerves
set design polytechnic
purgatorial grey haze
assumed solidity authority
rigid objects of a
discarded system
slab block delusion
sudden violence distorting
stripped of sense bent
down against the wall
throbbing in rhythm
fatigue the structure
ecstatic flesh gushing
through the cracks in the concrete
drifting forms dissolve at
the moment of creation
the house opposite yours
coherence of interiors
troubled domestic spaces
embedding the past
re-enact a strange scene
parasites and predators
devoured every noise
lifeless dismembered
expressions of anxiety
true to their shapes
everyday cruelty
the old england 2019
real space that dark zone
at the lower edge demons teasing dissecting-room humour open-mouthed
unable to speak
unmentionable presence within my body articulated clay figure
fettered dusty suit
constricting cell of my
flesh deteriorated state of collapse empty houses dormitories of my
deserted streets debris of
woolworth's face twisted
tongue rant pinhole whistle moving strings wire fences delivered pink
scaled lies antique site descriptions late auto-erotic carpet fixture
cheap wigs painted plastic eyes
smothered instruments
collective chemical cosh victorian grocery shopping stored organ
cream frothy white mass plain mask
derelict bodies 2019
sick room / unseen chance
and whispering dread / dumb immobility / stumbling between the beds /
peeling back the sheets / baptizing the sleeping earth / lay beneath
them / lids down / undreaming / pandemoniac / victims of delusion /
clothed in flesh / unmarked and unremembered / rattling breaths /
shudder of organs / standing erect / pretty lunacies / crack natures
molds / leg rotted off / descending again / broken down / motionless
/ sitting in the dark / obliterated / he did not know / conquering
boredom / seeing ghosts / shadow side / spider legged / endless
machines / swarming / threshing / unbroken, uninterrupted wail /
tangled in the weeds / brought his body to the surface / corpse smell
/ bitter shadow / subterranean sighs / fatal end
incubator of abandoned
time 2019
time creeps along
to sweep the dust behind
the door
sluggish mind
unconsciously gripped
dragged-out terrors
to the puritan all things
are impure
lighted rooms inside your
through the shadow
through the dwellings
invade the borders
rapid rattle / right
the landscape breaks up
the enemy you killed
dimness of the kitchen
spoons on the floor
other words / a set of
thought otherwise
voice organ
voice cracked
a gaping void
mouth askew
lips barely moving
repeating the words
rubber tube
hold my tongue
in their capital
mind employed in discharge
mortgage religion
a world I never made
enclosed page(s)
a little piece of
much possessed
but not moments of disgust
mud sisters / beast with
two backs
unseen, unborn, unknown
child of dirt / a master
spirit, embalmed
explanations of things
that never happened
penetrate the mirrored
reflection of the light
unsubstantial realms
burned into consciousness
his eyes fall out as you
find the holes
go out into darkness
damn clocks
the house is empty
immobile in the darkness
prays to the spirit of the
faith in mirrored panes
the house rattles
carry knowledge in junk
safer than the known way
a dog walking on its
hinder legs
lays eggs in a paper bag
drops of saliva
words are born by riddling
an image decomposed
sinking deeper into the
everything was damp
things that look solid
have an elasticity
voices from outside
nerve fibre
high-tension wires
tearing fabric
fear in his dreams
bite into reality
ghosts of aldeburgh 2019
spinning spitting stars
lost in the desert
miniature people
hunchbacks dancing
roll up, roll up
bulging eyed man smoking a
fat cigar
unplanned escape attempt
life in the trenches
alien eyed flora
lizards crawling in the
skin, the body ripped in two, disintegrating, blown away by the wind
nails like animated sea
lingering paranoia of the
birds talking in human
a man eating stones
forgotten 2019
safeguard sanatorium
moral judgement
dining-room fresh /
sheerest commonplace
lighted lamp above a flat
set objects / like shadows
seem to follow us
autonomous movement /
living object
tender product / fragile
split in two
revealing a soul
i’m falling over luggage
geometry of shadows
ray of light / grown dark
slipping away / beyond the
rooted in life /
contaminated by the shadow
our folly
fragments of humanity /
fabric of relations
unpredictable rhythms
unclean traffic / only
forms of depravity
miasmic growths /
troubling sense
absorb it
forgetting all we know
closing the door behind
the super-bright gloom
fighting over a hanged man
/ bloated body / empty building / in the gloom / terminal erection /
rendered / super-bright / the glazed eyes of a somnambulist / lifting
the covers like a toilet seat to piss in the bed / or maybe on the
carpet / the corner of the room / the half-forgotten world of dust
and crumbs / lost in abject landscapes / house of dust /
decay-apparently / thrown aside / a dishrag of dead jism / or
injected or frozen / collected in jars / or in the offal of an
ancient sheath / used condom / their ectoplasm / or radiant orgasm /
orgone / barely remembered / stuck together magazines in landfill or
sitting in the cabs of diggers or ploughs on top of the rubbish dump
/ temple / hiding in darkness / the outer face behind us / masked /
leering / Janus headed masturbator / a dead rabbit, a dead boy / the
bodies burnt / eyes melted / two spirits escape through an irrigation
pipe into the electricity grid / covered in lead based make-up
mirrors and asbestos contaminated talcum powdered walls / boiled in a
gas bath / cyanide pills in the wallpaper / unhidden / foaming bath
mouths rabid / cabinets labelled ‘British Moths’ / pinned /
folded over folded back doubled over doubled back / arching / a
portrait in hell / unearthed objects of humanity / defiled and
purified / non-euclidean labyrinthine passages / devoid of centre /
and was it the head of a man long dead, that raised itself out of the
desire 2018
wanderings of desire /
escaping from the immediacy / empty / repetition of remorse /
unearths the significance / lost / after the act / lost reason
memories 2018
when I was trapped in that
dream that I'd had before
An anomalous entity enters
the room in the shape of a man
a translucent form bending
light around and within it
stands at the foot of the
violent pulsing attacks
the brain
down alleyways small
deformed creatures crawl and writhe over one another at the borders
tiny stones and detritus
vibrate, grow long spindly legs and begin to walk around
on the rooftops of housing
blocks and in the sky formless indescribable shapes appear
my finger tips are
shrieking hummingbirds
we are walking on snakes
slaughter in the jungle
in the jungle guards fire
from the watchtowers onto the passengers waiting for a train on the
platform below
the train arrives with the
ghosts of the previously slaughtered
passengers alight at this
the ghosts of the recently
deceased now board the train
the train leaves the
clutter 2018
up that dreary old house / having clutter can make you disorganised /
human nature and detritus form compositions / in the museum / order
of collected animals / within those worlds, other worlds
of social order / you are filth / stinking exhalation / rehearsal of
germ warfare / unclean spirits
beyond human time /
faceless spectral threat / an anonymous legion faces the enemy /
harvesting antimatter in the conference room / denser darkness /
blackness of the unborn / hermetic super-embryology / unknown dark
bodies crossing the disc of the sun / screams of an exhilarated
mathematician / into the future of this past / increase in entropy /
a landscape of ghosts / erasing the tape / abandoned set of futures
curtains 2017
mad animal
climbed into the ditch
sunken eyes
gurgling throat / choked
with refuse
matted hair / rotted bones
dictator of rats /
captives taken
behind the curtains / the
outside howls
clouds of solidified smoke
truth of knowledge /
theatre of representation
inside / almost invisible
dead silent
such purity / left no
mask making 2017
enter the sewage system /
writhing and crawling mass / a rat-king worn upon the face as a mask
dear... 2017
dear warm plastic flesh /
private cell / fluorescent brightness
artificial and cruel
imaginary sex organs /
live out vulgar poetry / theatrical abnormality
gaze of the audience /
fragile theatre of surfaces
disembodied stage life / a
dangerous kind of dreaming
counter-creation / I chose
not to live
seance 2016
faithless speech /
dissociated and denatured / overlapping personae / sinister
without a face
spectral voices / lost
who is speaking? / self
unmanifested / rotted mouth
eat her flesh / tissue of
symbols / carnal knowledge
human time / acid-free /
domestic interiors / unresolved anxieties
real or imagined / double
limitation / lasting ghosts
dissident sitters /
undressed / disturbingly fetishized / involuntary laughter
concepts of semen / sticky
stumbling block / blind man
seed-soul / vehicles of
spirit / sublimed matter / bodily wastes
medium oozes / spitting or
leaking / ectoplasmic masks / reabsorbed
white of egg / viscous
skeins / shapeless / beyond figuration
outer darkness / lunar
eclipse / outward form / inward processes
sovereignty of vision /
blind eye / probing interior / fantasies visible
erotic figures / body of
the medium / into the wounds / primacy of touch
base reality / flesh rises
/ freak productions / creatures of chance
anti-self / enfleshed
fragility / personal apocalypse
wrongs of the past /
dematerialised / memory itself / rushing noise
savage spectacles / state
violence / urgency of control / reality of flesh
apocalyptic sublime
raging demiurge / bald
animal / class hatred / summoned realities
nations fall / unknown
languages / spell of exclusion
paranoid territory /
transitional / state between worlds
fractured consciousness /
shaping the forms / welter of representations
“The images are not
alive.” / only semblance
spectral incarnations /
perfect fabrications / false flesh / freshly imagined
flash of thought /
passages of moments / invented memories / ever repeating
stranger 2016
shape of a stranger /
unknown enemy / empty thing / full of noises
monstrous and abject body
/ uncontainable grotesque
flesh of their magic
fanged avatars / bestial /
we can begin to feed
in the sewage system /
patrolling contamination / teeming world / filth and greed / borrowed
spread fingers /
crick-crack / liminal straddling / borderless / ungovernable realm /
beyond reach
sight expires / confront
fear / conjure realities
overcoming fear /our own
darkest face undone
time of evil 2016
voices from the depths /
stench rises / troubled sky
eat their words / GET HIS
NERVES / use the electricity
Inflammatory images /
city's memory / virtual revolt / mask to fall
crime for crime / passion
possessed / saved or damned / light withdrawn
national infection /
social disaster / groundless panics / to fight abstraction
frightful shapes / social
forms / grotesque dance / intrinsically ugly
GET HIS NERVES / use the
disordered soul / psychic
entity / troubled body / allowed to grow filthy
victim swells / clog the
streets / drain abscesses collectively
little corpses / miserable
objects / little corpses / dead vermin / little corpses / denying
GET HIS NERVES / eat their